“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
― Confucius


Do you love what you do for a living, or do you work for a paycheck and feel like something is missing in your life?

Perhaps you don’t believe that you can create your dream life and make money doing what you love to do. I am here to prove to you that you can make a living doing what you love.


If you are not living your dream life, you cannot be truly happy.

The key is to create a lifestyle…not just a paycheck.


Do the “realists” in your life tell you to give up the dream because you haven’t had the success you were hoping for YET? Give up and get a real job…that’s my favorite.

I know how that feels.

I wanted to make a go of a new business I created, but I just wasn’t motivated to blog about it, talk about it, Facebook about it, tweet about it, etc. That is a sure sign that you are in the wrong business.

I knew that I had to find my passion (which I did…helping others create their dream life so they can be truly happy) so that I did not feel that I was in business just to make money. That is when you know you are in the wrong business.

But, when you find the right business, built around your passion, your world is a beautiful place. You want to Facebook and tweet about it because you now have a mission to help as many people as you can. It’s about so much more than making money.

Don’t let the haters knock you down. You have to keep believing. Dreams do come true.


So, if you are in the wrong business, how do you get in the right business?…

The business that you could talk about 24/7…

The business that gives you an adrenaline rush and makes you feel alive.


The first step is to make sure the business is built around your passion. If you don’t think you know what your passion is, we will uncover it. I believe everyone knows deep down in their gut, even if they don’t know that they know.

The second step is to figure out how to monetize the passion. And, that depends on your passion. Most people want to help people through telling their story. They tell their story through writing a book.

Then, we build a platform around the book. Website, Facebook page, Twitter, coaching program, workbooks, workshops, speaking engagements…the possibilities of monetizing your passion are endless.

I can tell you from personal experience, once you find that passion, your whole world changes. You feel more alive. Your life has meaning. You are happy. You feel like you are making a difference. You are helping others through sharing your dream. Does it get any better than that?


“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” – Dale Carnegie



Here’s how to create your dream life…


Make a Living Doing What You Love – In 30 Days or Less. In the personal one-on-one 30 day coaching program described below, you will discover/confirm your bliss and explore the plethora of opportunities that can result in remuneration. Make a living doing what makes you happy.

Your personalized program is tailored to your specific needs.

Dream Life Creation System

Make a Living Doing What You Love - in 30 Days or Less

    One Hour Dream Life Strategy Session

    3 Hour Book Writing Session using Pyro-Writing (fast-writing) or Speak-Writing (for those who would rather talk than write. $300 additional charge for transcribing)

      2 Additional One-on-One Personalized One Hour Coaching Sessions to Create Additional Products and Coaching Programs According to Your Specific Needs

      30 Days of Unlimited email Correspondence

    Self-publishing assistance with Amazon/Kindle Direct Publishing

      Professional Interview for First Podcast and Blog Post

    Motivation and Accountability for 30 Days (accountability is the key to success)

    Platform Building (to sell your products and services) and Content Creation Assistance (to create those new products and services)

buy now

Don’t waste another minute of your precious life feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Let’s get started.


Where else can you start a business doing what you love
for an investment of less than $5,000?
This is an investment in your future that should come back to you
blessed and multiplied, in so many ways.


“Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid.”




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