“I Believe In You”

These are powerful words. Especially to someone who has never heard them.

Believe In Your Dreams has a mission to help those who do not have the support system of positive people. We believe that being surrounded by positive energy from positive people who believe in them can have a major impact in the lives of those who don’t yet believe that they can create the life of their dreams.

Our mission is to reach these individuals through organizations such as Alpha House and CASA, among others. If we can reach, for instance, women who have been abused, or teens who are pregnant, and let them know they can be or do anything they want to be or do, our mission will be accomplished.


“I believe in you.” Powerful words some people never hear.

Our mission is to reach out to these individuals and let them know someone believes in them.


The next step is to have them say “I believe in YOU!” to themselves.

Part of the project includes distributing “I believe in YOU!” mirrors to these individuals. These mirrors will be a visual reminder that someone believes in them, and reminds them to say “I believe in YOU!” to themselves, every time they look in a mirror.




Our coaching programs and motivational materials will be available at no charge to individuals who qualify. In addition, we will set up a weekly motivational call for added support.

Would you like to help our mission? Donations will fund purchase of mirrors, and pay for advertising to find the beautiful souls who would benefit from this project.


We believe that any gift given to the Universe comes back
blessed and multiplied.


If this resonates with you and you feel a call to help, please use the donation button below.

To make a donation, click the Donate button below. This will take you to the secure checkout page where you can enter a donation amount of your choice and pay with Paypal or credit card.

Blessings to you. May the Universe provide limitless abundance to all.